¿Te Gusta? A Spanish White that’s not mucho dinero pero muy bien. Ressò 2012 garnacha blanca $9.99


Ressò 2012 garnacha blanca, Catalunya Spain

Ressò in Spanish mean ‘echo’. Let’s say this wine does resonate…it has a remarkably rich golden color, and that gives one hope you are in for more complexity than most inexpensive white wines. Bouquet is citrusy and white floral. First sip is crisp, lemon, tart and finishes with a floral perfume that is a touch buttery. I drank it chilled and then room temperature to let it open up. This is a white you can drink without ice cubes – there is a nice complexity and you won’t embarrass yourself if you bring it to a dinner as the label is quite chic. For a very cheap Spanish white, this is a buy again. In the right time and place, you can respectably set this on the table as this white is on par with many other wines 2x as much. I think I’m going to bring it to the Ladies Auxiliary luncheon to sip while eating chilled crab salad with micro greens.

Stay curious!


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